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Less Holiness

Less Holiness
Technical description
Less Holiness (2014) Silkscreen on paper (edition of 10) 75 x 110 cm

 Less Holiness 175 X 75 cm
drawing, Ink on papere

The stereotypic image of Jerusalem is being used as an Icon everywhere; an image history, reflects, harmony, beauty and sacredness. Beyond this image a realty of struggle and fragmentation. A history is being fabricated to deface the history of the city, a war on the collective memory and on the details, a war and struggle under ground and on the ground just to prove that they had been here. Every stone and corner including the sacred is threatened by taking over.

The struggle has turned the city to a disintegrating fragile site where visible and invisible barriers could be felt everywhere. This work is kind of dismantling of the stereotypic image as a reflection of what lies behind.